Announcements for Friday, February 7, 2025

Happy Birthday Mr. Schlosser!! The Theatre will be closed today for Panda Prime time.  On our final day of celebrating our school Counselors, we celebrate Mrs. Marie Slone.  This is her first year at NDA after being a counselor at other schools for eight years.  She loves being at NDA because it is a generally peaceful environment where staff are focused on learning and supporting students.  The students work so hard.  She has felt very welcome and she cares about the students very much.  Her greatest challenge as a counselor is setting careful boundaries to avoid being burnt out.  She... Continue reading

Announcements for Thursday, February 6, 2025

This week is National School Counselors' Week.   Today, we celebrate Mrs. Erin Stanley.  She has been at NDA for 4 years.  She loves being at NDA because of the meaningful connections she can make with the students.  Whether it's exploring what a student wants to be when they grow up, helping them write a college essay, encouraging them to believe in themselves or just being a friendly face in the hallway - making meaningful connections is so powerful. She also loves being at NDA because of the students.  She said they make her job so fun.  Mrs. Stanley said, "We... Continue reading

Announcements for Wednesday, February 5, 2025

In honor of National School Counselor’s week,   Today, we celebrate Mrs. Erin Maggard. Mrs. Maggard has been at NDA for 10 years.  She worked school counseling at another location for three years before joining the NDA team.  She loves being at NDA because of how supportive the faculty and staff are of one another.  She also loves being a part of a counseling team where they work together. Her greatest challenge in being a school counselor is dealing with the  College board - calling them, dealing with them, or trying to remember my security phrase!  She balances it out by... Continue reading

Announcements for Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Happy Birthday Mrs. Emily Webster!!   As you heard yesterday, this week is National School Counselors' Week.  We want to highlight the tremendous impact that our school counselors have on our students both in helping them mentally, socially and emotionally, but also in helping them to achieve school success and plan for a career.  Today, we celebrate Mrs. Chrissy Monohan. Mrs. Monohan has been at NDA for 17 years.  She worked in Mental Health Counseling before joining the NDA team.  She loves being at NDA because of the students - they inspire her and keep her hopeful about our future... Continue reading

Announcements for Monday, February 3, 2025

  Happy National School Counselors Week. We have 4 counselors in the counselor’s quad at that end of the hall on the 1st floor.  Mrs. Maggard, Mrs. Mrs. Monohan, Mrs. Slone and Mrs. Stanley help us with scheduling, college applications and placement, educate us about important topics, take care of our mental health and so much more! They are always there for us so make sure you stop by their room this week and thank them for all they do!   Italy traveler and chaperone meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 7:20 in room 111.    Interested in hosting a German... Continue reading

Announcements for Friday, January 31, 2025

Happy Birthday to Ms. Barnes and Mr. Lonneman - Their birthdays are on Sunday!   Congrats to Stella Bitikofer for winning the raffle for best dressed during yesterday's USA theme. Please stop by the front office to pick up your $10 gift card! We will announce today's winner on Monday   Happy Friday Drug Free Club! We have some gift cards to hand out today! The following have a skyline gift card coming their way - Kay Mayer, Ayla Luzak, Addie Lawrie, and Molly Mast! We also gift cards to starbucks for Frances Maier, Megan Johns, Kylee Wagner, and Carlee... Continue reading

Announcement for Thursday, January 30, 2025

If you ordered Chick Fil- A for lunch tomorrow, you will receive your meal ticket in 1st period.  If you have a study hall first period please come to the school office to pick up your ticket.   If you have any questions go to room 303 tomorrow and Ms. Hilbert will help you.  Continue reading

Announcements for Wednesday, January 29, 2025

For Catholic Schools' Week tomorrow, please come dressed in support of the USA.  Wear your red, white and blue clothes and accessories.  Please also remember that anything containing inappropriate writing or politically charged clothing is not permitted.  Please keep politics out of our celebration of the USA.   Juniors who go to service on Thursday:  Please wear your uniform to school and then you can change after service into your themed clothes for the day. Congrats to Hannan Dusing for winning the raffle for best dressed during yesterday's Sisterhood Sleepover. Please stop by the front office to pick up your $10... Continue reading

Announcements for Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Happy Birthday Mr. Coldiron!!   For Catholic Schools' Week tomorrow, please come dressed as your favorite group:  join with friends to dress as your favorite duo or trio.  Faculty and staff - you will enjoy a breakfast tomorrow courtesy of the junior StuCo students and  you may also dress down for the day or dress in the theme. Student Council would like to reward the best dressed student each day of Catholic Schools Week with a $10 gift card to places like Better Blends, Starbucks, and Target. Teachers will nominate up at 5 students in their classes each day. These... Continue reading

Announcements for Monday, January 27, 2025

Happy Birthday Mrs. Spellman!! There will be mass tomorrow in the Chapel at 7:20 Seniors, if you didn’t see Mrs. Litmer or Mrs. Heidrich in the cafeteria during lunch.  Stop by tomorrow to approve the way your name will appear on your diploma.  For Catholic Schools' Week tomorrow, please come dressed in your pajamas.  If you choose to wear slippers, they must have a back and be in sports mode.  Please also make sure your pajamas are school appropriate.  Juniors who go to service on Tuesdays:  Please wear your uniform to school and then you can change after service into... Continue reading