Life At NDA
NDA Activities & Clubs
By taking healthy risks and trying new things, we believe that students become the best versions of themselves. At Notre Dame Academy, students are encouraged to find their passion and and get involved in high school. While many of our students participate in more than one team, club or activity, students are highly encouraged to join at least one club or activity each school year.
Scroll down the page to find a full list of all Clubs & Organizations offered at NDA.

Life At NDA
Student Council
The Notre Dame Academy Student Council has been recognized as a
2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 NASC National Gold Council of Excellence
Student Council acts as a liaison between the student body and the administration and faculty at NDA. It also organizes activities for the entire school such as Catholic Schools Week and Club Orientation. Elected members represent the student body and plan events accordingly. Student Council also coordinates spirit stick events to promote school spirit and friendly competition among grade levels. Upper class women are elected by their peers at the end of the previous school year.
NDA Clubs
Academic Team
Student Moderators: Anna Blair
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Michael Cerimele
Mission Statement: To encourage enthusiasm for learning in order to enrich the
academic lives of students
Meeting Days: Mondays 7:20am
Academic Team
Student Moderators: Anna Blair
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Michael Cerimele
Mission Statement: To encourage enthusiasm for learning in order to enrich the
academic lives of students
Meeting Days: Mondays 7:20am
Book Club
Student Moderators: Zoe Rassati, Klaire Eckhardt
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Sammie Kleier Bezold
Mission Statement:
Meeting Days: 3rd Thursday of each month 7:15am
Creative Writing Club
Student Moderators: Clara Heberling, Hannah Renaker
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Michael Cerimele
Mission Statement: To help girls embrace their creativity through writing
Meeting Days: Every other Wednesday 3:15pm
Drug Free Club
Student Moderators: Allison Laws, Anna Gilbert
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Kathy Hildreth
Mission Statement:Drug Free Club affirms, rewards, encourages, and inspires students to refrain from drug use by offering rewards, support, and education.
Meeting Days: 2nd Wednesday of each month at 8:00am
Environmental Club
Student Moderators: Lea Youtsey, Megan Ahern
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Bill Stamm
Mission Statement: To educate and make our school more environmentally
conscientious as well as making NDA a greener, cleaner place.
Meeting Days: Thursdays after school
Football Club
Student Moderators: Kendra Collins, Isabelle Fettig
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Patrick Strickley
Mission Statement:
Meeting Days: Various times after school
Foreign Media Club
Student Moderators: Sophia Santos, Megan Ahern
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Bill Stamm
Mission Statement:
Meeting Days: Once a month on Friday
French Club
Student Moderators:
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Erica Otto
Mission Statement: The French Club sponsors activities that promote the French
language and culture for all interested students.
Meeting Days:
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Student Moderators: Isabella Cottingham, Sarah Woodrum
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Goddard
Mission Statement: The mission of FBLA is to bring business and education
together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and
career development programs.
Meeting Days: Tuesday mornings 7:30-7:55
Girls Athletic Association (GAA)
Student Moderators: Drue Disken, Deasia VonHandorf
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Susan Colvin
Mission Statement: To grow as individuals and as a group through service to others and to promote positive school spirit.
Meeting Days: 2nd Monday of the month after school 3:10-4:00
Gold Ribbon Club
Student Moderators: Abby Hardin, Meredith Jones, Grace Autry
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Chrissy Monohan
Mission Statement: The mission of Gold Ribbon club is to educate the students at Notre Dame and in the community about childhood diseases that their peers may face and to promote financial backing to organizations that may help with these diseases.
Meeting Days: Every other Monday
Girl Up
Student Moderators: Riley Maddox, Allison Knop
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Erica Otto
Mission Statement: As a United Nations Foundation’s adolescent girl campaign,
Girl Up engages girls to take action. When girls are educated, healthy, and safe,
they transform their communities. It is our job to empower each other and
change the world.
Meeting Days: 1st Wednesday of the month 3:00-3:30pm
Green Dot
Student Moderators:Kennedy Oak, Kate Roesel, Adeline Stanley
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Kathy Hildreth
Mission Statement: To promote strategies to keep all people safe from bullying, dating violence, and sexual assault.
Meeting Days: 3rd Wednesday of the month at 8:00 am
Investment Club
Student Moderator: Caroline Boehmer, Riley Maddox, Katie Thomas, Elissa romer, Holly Steimer
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Chris Goddard
Mission Statement: To give NDA students an opportunity to learn about stocks,
how the stock market operates and personal finance concepts.
Meeting Days: Thursday mornings @ 7:15am
Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS)
Student Moderators: Charity Rassati, Dinithi Fernando
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Diane Goldcamp
Mission Statement: To empower females in the STEM fields/compete in those fields
Meeting Days:Wednesday mornings @ 8:20am
Latin Club
Student Moderators: Annamae Martin, Ana Kothandram, Isabelle Minning
Faculty Moderator: Ms. Elizabeth Barnes
Mission Statement: The Latin Club endeavors to enhance students’ understanding of classical civilization and language through fun activities, competitions and service opportunities.
Meeting Days: 1 morning a month: TBD
L.I.F.E. Club (Life Is For Everyone)
Student Moderators: Cate Cullen
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Theresa Van Auken
Mission Statement: We strive to support and uphold the dignity of every human
life at every age and stage.
Meeting Days: TBD
Math Club
Student Moderators: Lauren Huepel, Grace Heberling, Megan Paolucci, Katie Crail
Faculty Moderator: Ms. Madeline Tucker
Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide an opportunity for students
interested or struggling with math to learn, teach, and engage in fun activities.
Meeting Days: Mondays TBD
Mock Trial
Student Moderators: Katie Crail
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Angie Middendorf
Mission Statement: To educate people about our legal system through preparing a defense and plaintiff side and compete against other schools at regional and state competitions.
Meeting Days: Mondays and Thursdays 5:00 – 7:00pm and Saturdays – Time TBD
Student Moderators: Sydney Allen
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Kathy Hildreth
Mission Statement:
Meeting Days: 2nd Monday of the month after school.
Physics Club
Student Moderators: Madelyn Cogswell, Celia Brungs
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Patrick Strickley
Mission Statement: Students will deepen their physics knowledge and appreciation for the subject of physics by doing fun activities and lessons. Everyone is welcome and we encourage participation and want everyone to have a say.
Meeting Days: 2nd Wednesday of the month
Pokemon Club
Student Moderators: Mary Catherine Kelly
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Strickley & Mr. Stamm
Mission Statement: To teach others tactical approaches in the game and in life and to encourage new friendships.
Meeting Days: Thursdays 3:01 – 3:45
Ski Club
Student Moderators: Ava Orwig
Faculty Moderator: Ms. Meghan Dooling
Mission Statement: Empowering women to enjoy nature and get physical exercise.
Meeting Days: Thursdays after school.
Spanish Club
Student Moderators: Cathrine Ghazala, Paige Donnelly
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Stacey Bill
Mission Statement: To educate and celebrate the Spanish language and
culture through crafts, songs, cooking, and celebrations.
Meeting Days: Last Wednesday of the month 3:00-3:30
Student Council
Student Moderators: Ellie Joyce, Clare Hooper, Katie McKeown, Jayden Otto, Addy Woeste
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Kimberly Wagner, Ms. Katie Hilbert
Mission Statement: Student Council acts as a liaison between the student
body and the administration and faculty at NDA. It also organizes activities for
the entire school such as Catholic Schools Week and Club Orientation. Elected
members represent the student body and plan events accordingly. Student
Council also coordinates spirit stick events to promote school spirit and friendly
competition among grade levels.
Meeting Days: 1st and 3rd Thursdays after school
Teen Leadership Club for Health & Wellness (TLC)
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Erin Maggard
Meeting Days: Tuesday Mornings @ 7:30am
Textiles Club
Student Moderators: Anne Heuker, Jenna Barlage
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Tina Conradi
Mission Statement: Showing others dignity by expressing ourselves through our
hands and ideas.
Meeting Days: Thursdays at 3:00
Student Moderator: Katie Crail, Ellie Scheffter, Gretchen Wahoff, Ella Weitzel
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Amber Grayson
Mission Statement: The group exists to form a stronger and lasting bond between
Notre Dame in Park Hills and Notre Dame in Uganda. Club activities are
centered around the students from each school learning more about each other.
Meeting Days: 3rd Wednesday of the month
NDA Activities
Art Club
Student Moderators: Ellie Joyce, Reagan Elfers, Sophie Mattone, Kate Winscott
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Matt Eckerle
Book Club
Student Moderators: Klaire Eckhardt, Zoe Rassati
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Michael Byrd
Card Club
Student Moderators: Martine Hue, Katie Crail
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Patrick Strickley
Color Guard
Student Moderators: Gabrielle Baker
Faculty Moderator: Ms. Jen Ericson, Mr Greg Cerimele
Dance Pandas
Student Moderators: Claire Coppage, Tessa Schulte
Faculty Moderator: Ms. Hope Pauly
Mission Statement: Dance Pandas is an auditioned group which performs at athletic and artistic events at both NDA and CCH throughout the year. Choreography includes a wide range of dance styles, including pom, jazz, contemporary, and kickline. Auditions are held in the summer each year for the upcoming school year
Meeting Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays after school
Food Around the World Club
Student Moderators: Catie Scola, Jenna Barlage
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Jackie Smith
Health Careers Explorers Club
Student Moderators: Abby Breeze, Jillian MacKnight
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Bill Stamm
Intramural Volleyball Club
Student Moderators: Julia Pfeiffer, Caroline Muck
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Sue McLeod, Mr. Rory Glynn
Japanese Club
Student Moderators: Emma Krallman
Faculty Moderator: Sr. Maria Francine
Music Media Club
Student Moderators: Ava Middendorf, Elissa Romer, Mia Bishop
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Angie Middendorf
Pickleball Club
Student Moderators: Adele France, Megan Chun, Lizzie Chun
Faculty Moderator: Mrs. Erin Stanley
Skate Club
Student Moderators: Kora Hammersmith, Ana Reser
Faculty Moderator: Mr. Matt Eckerle