
Fr. Kunath will be here today to hear confessions during PPT in the chapel. 


A reminder to all seniors who made the October retreat – your retreat evaluations are due back to Mrs. Price by the end of the day tomorrow.  Thank you for taking the time to offer your feedback! 

Attention Pandas – Can the Cru is here! We will be competing with St. Henry to see who can bring in the most canned food items.  All of our food items will go to St. Vincent De Paul.  The drive starts on Thursday, November 2 and ends Friday, November 17.  We will raffle off a basket of prizes every week! You get an entry to the raffle for every 5 cans you turn in. Stay tuned for more announcements and incentives as the weeks go on! 

On Tuesday, the University of Alabama will have Kelly Watson here. There are a number  of you that are thinking about and have applied to the university. She will answer your questions. I just wanted you to know she will be here on Halloween. Take advantage of them being at NDA.


Don’t forget to support your Volleyball team tonight at Campbell County.  The theme is Neon.