
Juniors who will be attending the Pilgrimage Retreat tomorrow are reminded that they need to be in the chapel by 9:00am and to bring a lunch with you. You need to arrange for your ride to pick you up at 2:00pm from NDA.  Please refer to the email sent out by Mrs. Price earlier this week for more details

ATTENTION OPEN HOUSE TOUR GUIDES:  If you have not attended training yet, you must attend training TODAY in the Choral Room. Please go to the Choral Room right after these announcements.

Monday, Gateway Community & Technical College will have Sydnee Penn Here to answer any questions you may have about a two year college.

On Tuesday, the University of Alabama will have Kelly Watson here. There are a number  of you that are thinking about and have applied to the university. She will answer your questions. I just wanted you to know she will be here on Halloween. Take advantage of them being at NDA.

Only 4 days left to sign up for the  Drug Free Club. The applications are in the school office. 

Congrats to our Volleyball Team for winning the Regional title last night. Also the Soccer team had a terrific season and should be proud of all their accomplishments.

Volleyball will play this Monday against Campbell County at Campbell Co.