Giving that Impacts Now and the Future
Your gift makes a difference by supporting Notre Dame Academy’s mission of developing young women to make a difference in the world. Thank you for giving generously so NDA can continue the great work the Sisters of Notre Dame started here in 1906.
Make checks payable to Notre Dame Academy.
To ensure the correct allocation of your gift, please indicate in the memo of your check or on an attached note what the intention of your gift is.
Check or cash can be mailed to:
Notre Dame Academy
Advancement Office
1699 Hilton Drive
Park Hills, KY 41011
Endow KY Tax Credit
The endow tax credit is a non-refundable and non-transferable credit that may be applied against income taxes imposed by KRS 141.020 (individual income tax) or KRS 141.040 (corporation income tax) and the limited liability entity tax (LLET) imposed by KRS 141.0401. The endow tax credit is a tax credit calculated based upon an endowment gift to a permanent endowment fund of a qualified community foundation or county-specific component fund or affiliate community foundation. The credit is equal to 20% of the value of the endowment gift, not to exceed $10,000 per taxpayer.
For more information click HERE
Matching Gift
Stock Donation
To transfer a stock gift or other securities you will need Notre Dame Academy’s electronic transfer information.
Please contact the Advancement Office at
859.292.7729 for more details.