Pandas Attend Leadership and Ethics Seminar

Last week, juniors Sammi Poulos and Mary Reynolds attended the West Point Ethics and Leadership Seminar alongside a hundred other high school students from the Greater Cincinnati area. At the seminar, they explored ethics and value-based leadership. Sammi and Mary were also able to celebrate with Senior Riley Maddox who attended the seminar last year. During this year’s seminar, Riley received a $1500 scholarship from West Point Society of Cincinnati which she applied for this past fall. Through the West Point Society’s mentor and scholarship program, Riley earned dollars to help with college, but she also gained valuable life skills through her participation. Riley says:

Through the Ethics and Leadership seminar and my many mentoring sessions, I have learned to stop and assess situations, thinking through all possible outcomes before making a decision. In learning the process of ethical decision-making, I have trained myself to be more conscious of my actions instead of acting rashly or out of emotion. . . . I am better able to think through logical solutions to complex problems and make a positive change in the world.