
Pandas – please listen carefully to this announcement….  

You will not have to arrive at school on Monday, November 6 until 9:00.  We will have a late start that morning, so enjoy your extra little bit of sleep and be here on time at 9:00!

Today and tomorrow afternoon, please do not sit on the Spanish Stairs.  They will be off limits for students both Thursday and Friday.   We will be deep cleaning the stairs for Open House and would like to keep them clean and prepared for Sunday. 

ATTENTION OPEN HOUSE TOUR GUIDES:  Make sure you have Tour Script A, Tour Script B, and the training notes on your iPad.  If you do not have them, please email Mrs. Caccavari.  Please make sure you know the route of each tour before Sunday.


Our volleyball PaNDAs take on McCracken County on Friday at 5:00 at George Rogers Clark High School in Winchester, Kentucky.If you are interested in riding on the NDA bus to attend the game on Friday, please stop by the office today to pick up a permission slip. We only have room for 47 passengers so get your permission slip in asap!

 You will need to turn that in along with $5 in order to ride the bus to the game. 


The first incentive for Can the Cru is here. On Friday, you will be able to wear sweatpants under your skirt for 3 cans, or 3 dollars. Student Council will use the money to purchase cans!  If you bring in 5 cans or $5 you get a chance to enter the raffle. 

 “Pandas – Our annual Mother/Daughter Dance is next Friday, November 10th. It is a great opportunity for you and your Mom to spend a fun night together.  There will be a costume contest during night so come dressed as your favorite celebrity,  paparazzi,  or just dressy to walk the red carpet… creativity is encouraged!!   The night will also include photo Booths, appetizers and desserts, dancing, games and fun!! Registration is in the panda press. 

Holly Blansette will be here tomorrow during lunches. She will be able to answer questions and give you information about Bellarmine University located in Louisville.

If you had your student photo taken during retake day, your new picture is in the school office, Please stop by to pick it up.