
Happy Principal’s Day – Make sure to say thanks to Mr. VonHandorf, Mrs. Timmerding and Mrs. Proudfit. 


Reminder that the Uganda Pandas Bake Sale will take place after school today! Each item costs either a dollar or fifty cents and all proceeds go to our sister school in Uganda. The Bake Sale will also be taking place tomorrow before and after school. Be sure to stop by and support our pandas in Uganda!!


The Gardening Club is having a meeting on Monday the 6th. We are planning on having a Mother’s Day activity in room 306.


If you are interested in running for a student council grade-level representative, please be sure to pick up an application from Mrs. Kroger in room 208 or Ms. Hilbert in room 303. Applications are due at 3 p.m. on May 3, and elections are on Monday, May 13.  


NEHS will be having an open mic night tomorrow, May 2nd at 6pm. in the CLC 

 NEHS members are highly encouraged to attend


This week our Spirit Wear Day will be on Thursday (May 2nd), not on Friday.

Please use Thursday to wear your spirit wear tops and come dressed in full uniform on Friday.

We will push back the celebration of St. Joan of Arc.  Blue family, wear your family shirts or blue shirts on Monday, May 6 to celebrate her Feast Day that falls on May 30.