
Happy Valentine’s Day from Hope Squad! Hopefully today for Hope Week you were able to write a Valentine for a friend before school. Think about other people in your life that give you strength, bring you joy, lift you up, and make you feel connected. Try to get in the habit of telling people in your life how important they are to you! Don’t forget to keep looking for “Hope Hearts” throughout the school you can turn into Mrs. Stanley for a Panda Buck!” 



Attention Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors – Thursday during PPT, we will offer another opportunity for you to learn about student leadership opportunities for next year.  This meeting will give you information about the Student Council positions that are options for you next year along with Family Leadership opportunities.  So – if you are interested in taking part in some leadership opportunities by running for Student Council or being a Family Leader, please plan to meet in Alumnae Hall tomorrow during PPT.


Don’t forget to bring in your gently used dresses, shoes, purses and accessories for Cinderella’s closet. The collection bins will be in the school foyer. 


Drug Free Club is seeking FRESHMEN LEADERS! If this is something you are interested in, please complete the application form that was sent to all freshmen today! Contact Mrs. Hildreth or Mrs. Maggard with your questions!
