Student Services
Career Development
We have gathered resources on this page to assist students in the process of Career Exploration.
If a student would like to meet one-on-one with a counselor to discuss Career Exploration/Options, please feel free to contact any of our School Counselors:
- Mrs. Monohan: monohanc@ndapandas.org,
- Ms. Burgei: burgeik@ndapandas.org
- Mrs. Hildreth: hildrethk@ndapandas.org,
- Mrs. Maggard: maggarde@ndapandas.org
Online Career Exploration Resources
Great Place to Start: "What are you interested in?"
Check out the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics site HERE for resources.
Fastest Growing Occupations
Check out the data on the fastest growing occupations in the United States HERE
Click on any Occupation on the list and see: Job Description / Work Environment / Education Required / Salary / Related Occupations / etc.
Occupations In Healthcare
Occupations in Healthcare!
See the wide-range of Healthcare Occupations on this site! There is much more than nursing as career opportunities if you are interested in Healthcare. Take a look at this link to see for yourself!!
List of Current Careers
List of Current Careers
Click on any career to see description of career, salary information, projected growth, education required, and similar careers.
- See myfuture.com for many other resources as well!
Sample List of Undergraduate Majors
Sample List of Undergraduate Majors
This is the list of current Undergraduate Majors at WKU. Read once through the whole list to get an idea of the range of majors available. Then, go back through the list a second time. Go a little more slowly this time. If any majors catch your attention, click on them to read more about the major.
- In case you are thinking…What does “Undergraduate” mean? You will be an “Undergraduate” student when you leave NDA. Undergraduate is the first level of higher education, so you will choose an Undergraduate major in college. After finishing an Undergraduate degree, the next level of high education is the Masters or Graduate level. If you want to go further, you can go all the way to the PhD or Doctoral level.
50 Things to do With a Biology Degree
50 Things to do with a Biology Degree
If you like Science and particularly Biology…check this out! This is a list of 50 careers one can pursue with a Biology Degree.
O*Net Online
O*NET Online
Extensive Online Resource with information on careers; one of best resources on web. You can find information on expected growth of a career, salary information, education necessary, in-depth descriptions of each career, and much more.
Interest and Skills Assesments
iseek.org Skill Assesment
iseek.org Career Assessment
Great Assessment! This will point you to some ‘career clusters’ that might be a fit for your interests and skills. (PS: A ‘career cluster’ is a group of careers with some things in common)
O*NET Online Skills Search
ONET Online Skills Search
Take this short assessment of your Skills and ONET will then give you the top careers that match your skills. You can click on each career and read descriptions of the career, education needed, salary information, and expected growth of the field.
ILP Career Matchmaker
ILP Career Matchmaker
There is a Career Matchmaker tool in your “ILP”. This tool is free and very good! Each NDA student has an ILP and log-in information. You will log-in using the KHEAA Homepage (top, right-hand corner of KHEAA’s Homepage). If you need your ILP log-in information or have questions, contact Mrs. Hildreth at hildrethk@ndapandas.org.
Career Development Assistance at Notre Dame
Career Fairs
- Career Fairs are held every other year for the entire student body. More than 40 different professions are represented and students are exposed to various career opportunities. This is an excellent time for students to begin networking and exploring the world of their careers beyond NDA and college. Students can utilize these connections and participate in job shadowing experiences.
Career Assesments
- Career Assessments are offered to freshman and students are encouraged to begin exploring potential career options. Students are assisted with developing a KHEAA website account; this is a resource that can be used for further career/interest assessment, college information, scholarship information, and KEES information.
- PLAN Test Students take the PLAN Test as Sophomores. The PLAN Test has an interest assessment section to direct them to potential career matches. A parent meeting is held after test scores are received; parents are given information to assist their daughters in interpreting the test scores and career data.
- PSAT Test: Sophomore and juniors take the PSAT. The junior year PSAT is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Competition. The PSAT also has an interest assessment and students can access a variety of college and career resources through the College Board website.
Resume Building
- Resume Building with seniors to prepare for the College Application process, Scholarship Applications, and the world of work.
One-On-One Meetings
- One-on-One Meetings are held with each rising senior and her parent(s). This is a valuable opportunity to discuss the student’s specific goals for the future.
College Advising
- College Advising is offered to all students and parents. Students receive assistance with applications, ACT/SAT Testing, College/Scholarship Essays, Letters of Recommendation, Programs of interest, Scholarships and Financial Aid.
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