Don't Miss Out


Tickets are on sale now for our largest fundraiser of the year, Light the Night for NDA. Take advantage of our early bird ticket price of $100 and buy your first choice tickets!

Tickets, Tickets, Tickets

Golden Opportunity Raffle

The Golden Opportunity Raffle provides a substantial source of 
revenue for our Light the Night for NDA event. Each Golden
Opportunity Raffle
ticket is priced at $25, and the lucky winner
will have an exciting choice: the option of receiving tuition coverage
 for the 2024-25 school year (up to a value of $10,000) or a $10,000
cash prize. For those who opt for the tuition award, it can be applied
to the account of a child, grandchild, niece or friend at Notre Dame Academy! Feel free to reach out to Denise Bowman, Director of Events, for more information. 


Join US...

We cordially invite you to join us for a momentous occasion as we come together to celebrate our annual Light the Night for NDA event. This year, on Saturday, November 11, 2023, at the St. Elizabeth Training and Education Center (SETEC) in Erlanger, Kentucky, we will be “lighting the night” in Coesfeld, Germany, the birthplace of our sponsors, the Sisters of Notre Dame.

This year, we proudly shine our light in Coesfeld, where our mission began in 1850 with the establishment of the Sisters of Notre Dame. It is in this wonderful region that young women first had the privilege of receiving an education in the rich tradition of the Sisters of Notre Dame at Notre Dame Academy. 

There are numerous opportunities to support Light the Night for NDA. Consider hosting gift gathering parties, exploring sponsorship options, participating in online bidding or simply attending the event itself. By joining us in this time-honored celebration, you contribute to our mission of educating young women to make a positive difference in the world.

We look forward to seeing you on November 11 as we come together to celebrate the transformative power of Catholic education and embrace the remarkable legacy of the Sisters of Notre Dame and Notre Dame Academy.