NDA Dress Code

NDA’s dress code is intended to: encourage cleanliness, neatness and pride in one’s appearance; foster respect for the way in which one presents herself to others; create a semi-formal atmosphere needed for a disciplined learning environment; provide a uniform manner of dressing which minimizes social differences that may exist among students. 
Notre Dame Academy has a school uniform that consists of: 

  • a gray uniform skirt or uniform slacks (the skirt or pants must fit properly, be zipped and buttoned, hemmed appropriately and free of stains, rips, and/or holes).  Students are required to obtain a new skirt or pants if it no longer zips, has tears, holes, or stains.
  • a white or light blue banded Notre Dame Academy polo shirt 
  • solid white, gray, black or navy blue socks
  • appropriate shoes that have a back to them 
  • nametag/lanyard 

Optional items that may be purchased and worn with the uniform include:

  • a navy blue Notre Dame Academy pullover sweater
  • a navy blue Notre Dame Academy cardigan sweater 
  • a navy blue Notre Dame Academy sweatshirt
  • a navy blue Notre Dame Academy fleece
  • a navy blue blazer with NDA’s emblem for special occasions such as Mass, award ceremonies, etc.
  • gray, black, or navy blue leggings
  • black dress slacks for designated events

Any visible body piercing, except the ear, and visible tattoos are prohibited at school.  Extreme unnatural hair coloring is not permitted.